Joystick/controller testing utility update...

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Joystick/controller testing utility update...

Post by Vice »

I have updated the joystick/controller testing utility to incorporate the latest device input system introduced in the 2.0708 update for Evochron Legacy SE (and introduced in the 2.2288 update for Arvoch Alliance SE). The utility improves device enumeration while also adding support for detecting and testing both rumble and force feedback on devices that support such capabilities. As before, when launching the utility, a small log file will be created in the '\Documents' folder named 'JoystickTestOutput.txt' which will contain all detected devices along with which ones are added to the group of devices the game will listen to. Then in the Window, some basic system/device information, signal indicators, and input selection options are displayed.

If a rumble capable device is detected the number of motors will be displayed below the device's listing in the window. An option to send a test signal will also appear and when clicked, a rumble signal will be sent to the device to verify compatible communication. Likewise, if a force feedback capable device is detected, the number of actuators will be displayed below the device's listing in the window along with an option to send a test signal. This way, compatibility with the game's new force effects can quickly be checked and tested as well as all other device detection and signal testing as before.

The updated utility can be downloaded here: ...
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