Superwide resolution issues

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Superwide resolution issues

Post by viper691 »

I have a monitor with a native resolution of 3840x1200 and am having some issues with screens being cut off in the game options. I have already changed the cfg file manually for 3840x1200 and ingame it seems to be fine but when trying to adjust keybindings the top of the screen is cut off and i am having to guess where to click based on when i hear the audio for a button to change devices. Is there any way to adjust this beyond what I have done?

Edit: Correction...ingame is cutting off the top from just the top portion of the compass up so its missing some things as well...I would say that my custom resolution isn't doing anything because this is exactly what it was doing on the "Optimized" setting as well.

How does one find out the version number of the game?
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Re: Superwide resolution issues

Post by Vice »

'Optimized' will generally match the native resolution of the display being used (as reported by the display driver as the maximum available), so it's generally recommended to use that. Specifying a resolution is available as an option if setting a specific render target size is desired, but should generally not be needed.

Yes, you can further adjust the display output to account for different aspect ratios (ie 0.3125 as a 32:10 ratio) by selecting the 'Resolution' option in the main Options menu. Then in the menu that opens, there are two adjustments below the list of resolutions, 'FOV' for field of view and 'Ratio' for aspect ratio. If the screen is getting clipped vertically slightly, you can probably adjust the 'Ratio' slider down until the top and bottom menu frame edges are more in view.

The version number of the game is displayed in the lower right corner of the main menu next to the letter 'v' (ie 'v2.1008').
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Re: Superwide resolution issues

Post by viper691 »

Perfect! Thanks for the quick reply! I totally missed that it also opened FOV and Ratio at the bottom but that worked brilliantly.