Console Port

Tips, tactics, and general discussion for Evochron Legacy.
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Console Port

Post by Ohsirus »

Ever thought of porting EL to a console? It would be killer on my Nintendo Switch.
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Re: Console Port

Post by Vice »

Nope, the development platform and associated plugins keep it tightly restricted to the existing PC format only. Some have apparently gotten it to work on certain flavors of Linux through emulation (Wine, PlayOn Linux, etc), but it is not inherently designed to be capable of running outside of Windows.

I may explore trying to develop some simplified form of Arvoch or Evochron for mobile devices at some point. But that's only because there's a semi-compatible/similar code porting path that might be fairly feasible to translate some of the code (currently written in a rather uncommon script-type language) over to, then develop it further for mobile devices. Any other route would likely require years of time and largely starting over... time I would have to give up working on the game itself just to try and port it (it took 4 years to develop EL on Windows with tools and technology I'm familiar with, I can only imagine how long that would take starting over in something else I don't know and it also means the effort might not even be successful in the end). For the mobile route though, it might be possible at some point. A lot would be sacrificed in terms of graphics/technology and control capabilities. But I'd try to have the end result look and feel like a true Arvoch/Evochron game.
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