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Played the demo and ready for more?
Get the full game for only $10.

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Get the full game without having to download anything else!
The full game adds this and much more:

- Enjoy unlimited single player and multiplayer gameplay -
- Get access to all ship frames and their new design possibilities -
- Continue from where you left off in the demo, no need to start over -
- Enhance your ship further with powerful new weapons and equipment -
- Travel to new worlds, find hidden bonuses, and hunt for trading hotspots -
- Join other players for cooperative objectives and share in the rewards -
- Follow the beacon clues to discover the secret of the Vonari artifact -
- Visit mysterious anomalies and encounter far more powerful enemies -
- Design your own custom systems to expand the Evochron universe -
- Join the Alliance military and pilot elite combat spacecraft -

Get ready for the full version of Evochron Legends!

Play the full game the way you want to. Fight for yourself or accept contracts for a variety of objectives. Transport commodities, equipment, and weapons for profit or take on combat, mining, cleaning, asteroid field clearing, racing, and other activities. Trade with others and make allies or steal and make enemies. Use your freedom to choose your role and decide what actions to take.
Numerous planets and stations to dock with offering a variety of gameplay options along with plenty of hidden benefits scattered across the game's vast seamless universe. Exploration, trading, racing, and other activities can be just as profitable as combat. Use the onboard cargo system and learn profitable trade routes for weapons, equipment, and upgrades in addition to commodities.
Earn new ships, upgrades, equipment, and weapons. Use your wealth to hire specialized crew members that can enhance the capabilities of your ship and its systems. Invest in station licenses which let you take items for free and provide protection from hostile ships while you're docked. In single player mode, recruit other ships to join you to offer protection while you pursue your fortune.
Join other players for trading, cooperative objectives, exploration, racing, and many other activities. Working together lets you more easily complete difficult contracts, earning you more credits faster. Locate beacons to follow the clues that can lead you to an amazing discovery and solve the mystery of the Vonari artifact and what happened at Arvoch. Determine your destiny with freeform gameplay.

A registration key will be sent by e-mail which will convert the demo into the full game. No additional download is needed. The key is usually received within a few minutes or few hours at most after a payment has been finalized, depending on time of day, payment method, and speed/reliability of the e-mail service used for the order. You can also pay by check, cashier's check, wire transfer, and fax, just click on the order link above and select a payment method other than credit card. Once you have the key, enter it when prompted by the game to acquire the full version.

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