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Arvoch Conflict News

July 25th, 2008:
Version 1.828 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- New multiplayer system added for improved router support and performance.
- Option to pan around the player's ships added to the second 3rd person view mode.
- Option to customize the status display key added.
- Option to customize the game's font added.

The new multiplayer system lets players join without having to manually forward ports on most routers and connecting is much faster. The game's instructions and the FAQ provide additional information on using the new multiplayer mode.

January 4th, 2008:
Forum member 'Cellinsky' has provided some amazing new ships to add to the game. You can simply download and place them in the game's folder, they will then be added to the list of available ships to fly and assign to your squadron. What's really impressive about these new ships is that they come complete with individually modelled cockpits (complete with unique glass reflections). A variety of ships are available, from agile scouts and fighters to large bombers. If you want to add an amazing collection of new ships to the game, be sure to check out this custom set. The download link is available here: http://www.starwraith.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=2400

Version 1.588 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- Multiplayer updated to provide improved performance, less lag, and more accurate object movement/rotation prediction.
- Framerate timing improved for more accurate object moving under less than optimal performance conditions.
- New asteroids added with improved effects and rendering performance.
- Improvements to compatibility with various screen resolutions.
- Improvements to 3D text alignment.

September 7th, 2007:
Version 1.508 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- New specular effects added to ships for a shiny metallic look.
- Radar markers added for navigation points and mission waypoints.
- Physics system can now be customized to adjust the rate and maximum level of drift.
- Other graphics improved including star specific lighting.
- Error 94 message when using custom cockpits fixed.
- Framerate performance for slower systems greatly improved for menus.
- Missile lock retention bug for stealth devices fixed for multiplayer.
- Minor bug with threat level indicators not updating with the correct color level fixed.
- Bug causing the game to close back to the desktop at launch on some systems fixed.
- Scaling bug in briefing menu with custom ships fixed.
- Error 18 message on some configurations fixed.

To use the new custom physics settings, create a file in the game's default installation folder named 'physics.txt' and on the first line, enter the value you want to use for the rate of drift (essentially the level of mass in relation to the power of the IDS) in the first line and the value you want to use for the maximum per calculation in the second line. The default values are 0.1 for the rate and 0.02 for the maximum per calculation. If you want more drift, decrease the rate value and maximum per calcuation. 0.025 for rate and 0.005 for maximum are good for a high drift physics system.

May 4th, 2007:
Version 1.488 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- Support for TrackIR expanded to include all six degrees of movement and improved central deadzone.
- Timed gameplay modes added for Dogfight, Squadrons, and Cooperative multiplayer.
- Improvements to joystick HAT panning view control and padlock mode.
- You can now deactivate stealth devices prior to their default cloaking duration by pressing the secondary device button a second time.
- EMP weapon impacts now properly reset instantly after respawning.
- Support for running under Vista's UAC added.
- 3D text image quality improved.

The installer will update older versions of the game as usual, although it is recommended that you uninstall any older version before updating to 1.488. The reason for this is the new folder location of the game files (now \sw3dg\arvochconflict), removing an older version will free up about 40 MB of hard drive space by removing the old game files from the \Program Files\ArvochConflict folder before installing the new files. You can also manually delete the old game files and folder after updating, if desired.

April 7th, 2007:
Version 1.428 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- Performance optimizations for Windows Vista and slow systems running other versions of Windows.
- Third person view now retains HUD and other cockpit displays for combat effectiveness.
- New cockpit display graphics for improved visibility and illumination effects.
- Option to remove cockpit struts now available ('nostruts.txt' file option in the game's folder).

A ZIP file is available in the downloads section to apply the 'bubble canopy' modification to the game.

March 15th, 2007:
Version 1.408 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- For widescreen resolutions, players can now manually adjust the mouse cursor offset to adapt to various aspect ratios.
- Support for multiple control devices enhanced (in particular, CH controllers such as rudder pedals).
- Secondary throttle control with buttons on game devices now available.

January 25th, 2007:
Version 1.288C is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- Minor flaws with lens flare effects corrected.
- Support for 1360X768 and 1360X1024 resolutions added.

December 30th, 2006:
Another quick update is available, providing high level thruster control for joystick HAT's that matches key and button inputs.

December 22nd, 2006:
A quick update has been made to correct a control issue and few minor bugs. Version 1.288b is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- Multiplayer hosting reliability improved.
- The Low and Medium sensitivity modes for joystick and gamepad controls centered better.
- Error 99 problem with custom ships used during campaigns fixed.

December 8th, 2006:
Version 1.288 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- Multiplayer results are now saved out to a log file which will be used for the upcoming online territory battle system.
- HUD navigational compass enhanced for improved visibility.
- Cloaking devices now more effective against HUD sensor 'pinging'.
- Background texture improvements to the holographic cockpit displays.
- Scoring issue occuring on some slow systems in multiplayer fixed.
- HUD shadows sometimes appeared for certain indicators when disabled, fixed.

This update is considered mandatory to retain internet multiplayer compatibility. You can download the new version from the downloads section or use the multiplayer update feature in the game.

October 28th, 2006:
Support for the TrackIR 3D view control system by NaturalPoint is now available in Arvoch Conflict! Click the link to learn more about this high performance head tracking system.

Version 1.208 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- Support for the NaturalPoint TrackIR 3D view control system added.
- Players now receive score credit for remaining lives in multiplayer.
- Selected deployment positions of reinforcements sometimes placed cruisers at a distance, now kept in closer proximity.
- More cockpit details/structures added to accomodate the new view control options.
- Reload point in cooperative multiplayer now refuels player's ship at a rate of 50 units per cycle.

This update is considered mandatory to retain internet multiplayer compatibility due to the changes in the scoring system and cooperative mode. The update to the reinforcement positions is automatically handled by the game, so you do not need to change any custom missions values. You can keep any existing strategic ship placements and the game will automatically keep cruisers closer to the specified location as soon as reinforcements are called in. To enable the TrackIR control, click on '3D Head Tracking' in the Options menu with the TrackIR device installed and the software running.

October 12th, 2006:
Version 1.188 is available for download and includes the following improvements and fixes:

- 3D panning view control added for joystick HAT.
- Padlock view option added.
- Ferret missile capabilities fixed.
- MDTS accuracy improved for longer ranges.
- Cooperative multiplayer bug causing some AI ships to be lost on other player's screens fixed.
- Subsystems no longer sustain damage if all shield arrays are above 30%.

A video showing some of the new view control effects is available in the downloads section.

September 28th, 2006:
Arvoch Conflict is available now! You can get the free demo in the downloads section. I hope you all enjoy playing the game and I want to personally thank all of you who helped test the game. The game is feature packed, stable, and is a blast to play, thanks in large part to your requests, bug reports, and feedback. And to all players, once you feel ready, catch me online and we'll fly some cooperative dogfights... and if you're feeling really confident, challenge me to a dogfight or squadrons match. :-) I may also start hosting multiplayer games on a regular basis, check the forum for details.

September 22nd, 2006:
The game is now scheduled for release on September 28th.

September 18th, 2006:
The game is now in the final stages of testing and will likely be released within the next week or two. The FAQ and customizing kit have both been updated to reflect some of the improvements and changes made while the game has been in testing.

September 12th, 2006:
Arvoch Conflict will likely enter Release Candidate testing this week. The game is basically finished now, only a few minor details need to be completed. If testing continues to go well, the game will likely be ready by the end of the month. A few new screenshots are available and the modification kit is ready in the downloads section if you want a preview of how to customize the game.

August 25th, 2006:
Testing is going well and the game has already received a lot of improvements and new features based on feedback from beta testers. A lot of testing remains to be completed for the multiplayer mode and some final details need to be finished. The game could be ready by next month if everything goes well, which should be possible if I'm able to continue working long days and late nights to get it finished along with completing the testing objectives.

August 14th, 2006:
The official Arvoch Conflict website has launched! This early preview version of the website offers information about the game and several screenshots. It will likely be updated as the game gets closer to release. The game is currently in beta testing and is on time for release this fall. Thank you to all of you who've submitted feedback, requests, and suggestions over the last several years as its been a large part of establishing the game's design, gameplay, and features. AC will be very different from my previous games and will bring many new elements to both the story and the genre. It should be a lot of fun for anyone who enjoys this type of space-sim and I look forward to finding out who can beat me in multiplayer :-)

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