Evochron Legacy V1.0808 Graphics Update Information

User Interface, Consoles, Planetary Terrain, and Graphics Update Information

Starting with version 1.0808, Evochron Legacy is introducing new shader effects for various graphics in the game as well as revised textures and detail levels. The 1.08X build also introduces several significant changes to the game's user interface and consoles, including a revised 3D nav map. This page offers some comparison images showing several of the improvements and changes. There are a lot of other changes and improvements not shown on this page. For details, visit the announcement section on the official forum here: https://www.starwraith.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=19

User Interface and Consoles
Side-by-side comparison images to help show changes and improvements
Click on images for larger version.

Navigation Console:
Goals: reduce blue color saturation, apply gray/white text color for readouts/labels, reduce busy
lines/graphics, increase contrast, simplify appearance, reduce clutter, adjust/align structure, and
remove redundant 'Form with Target' button.

Old / New

Inventory Console:
Goals: reduce blue color saturation, reduce busy lines/graphics, increase contrast, simplify
appearance, reduce clutter, replace wireframe ship structure with solid version, and improve
visibility/distinction of scroll bars.

Old / New

Upper Menu Bar, HUD/Gunsight, and Radar:
Goals: add text labels to upper menu bar, simplify upper menu bar icons, move shield array
status indicators to inside gunsight ring (mode 2), simplify gunsight appearance (more consistent
ring shapes), reduce clutter, widen circular display field of radar, reduce corner brackets on
cockpit displays, and improve color contrasting in certain areas.

Old / New

Reflection Effects
Goals: Provide reflections based on environmental and material conditions. Rather than directional lighting only, the new system samples surrounding scene and maps details to surfaces. Reflective properties are then based on material type, reflective level specified in textures, and lighting conditions/levels in scene. Reflection effects can then vary depending on those parameters, ranging from a sharper shiny look to a more soft ambient appearance.

Click on image for larger version.

Old / New

Planet Terrain
Both low and high altitude screenshots included.
Click on image for larger version.

Lowest detail level using original shader on left (old system), high detail level using new shader on right:

Highest detail level using new shader from a more overhead view:

Preview/Work In Progress Videos
Videos showing past development progress and visual comparisons.

User Interface Comparisons and Work In Progress:

3D Navigation Map Work Overview:

3D Navigation Map Work In Progress #2:

3D Navigation Map Work In Progress #1:



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