Stealth ideas

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Stealth ideas

Post by Nigel_Strange »

I had some ideas regarding stealth technology that I thought I would relate to see what they spark.

1. The current stealth technology is really cool: it turns your ship transparent, sort of ghost like. However, unless you're against a nebula background, it doesn't actually make your ship harder to see. What if the stealth device turned your ship black, totally, with no reflections. Inside, the frame would turn black and non-reflective, but the hud and the MFDs would remain exactly the same.

2. What if there was a secret military ship that was built specifically for its stealth capabilities? Such a ship might have a black-matte finish on it, with planar construction (no curved surfaces) to deflect or absorb radar. So, this ship is stealthy all the time, and maybe can only be spotted on radar when it is within 500 clicks or so. One might find such a ship at a military base, perhaps hidden in Vonarion space, where they conduct hit-and-fade attacks on the vonarion homeworld. These ships may not be quite as stealthy as those sporting the stealth field generator, but they maintain this level of stealth all the time with no energy cost.