Toggle throttle range from - to +

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Toggle throttle range from - to +

Post by TheLoraxxZeus »

Right now (from what I can see) the throttle is either full range or full forward. I dislike having to put my throttle in the middle to stop, and it also reduces accuracy across the range.

Can you have it so you can get full forward or full reverse with a key press?
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Re: Toggle throttle range from - to +

Post by Vice »

Yes, press and hold the default / key for full range reverse. You'll see the '+' symbol on the gunsight IDS mode indicator switch to '-' indicating reverse mode. Likewise with the IDS readout on the lower left cockpit display. It is designed to operate as a full persistent toggle with active input, so I like to keep that mapped to either a mode switch/toggle or fixed button on a HOTAS to quickly switch back and forth as may be needed. But a key or mouse button can also be used.
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