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Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:19 pm
by Red2
I mined it and received platinum. As it is stationary, and directly above the wrecked station, I wonder if it's just some kind of marker?

[Edited on 4-25-2016 by Red2]

Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:20 pm
by YaroslavUSSR
Wow, cool stories! Keep posting your exploration logs, please. Evochron Legacy is the latest title but I feel Evochron Mercenary remains the best (imho, of course) place to live in and fly among the stars. Unfortunately, too little time to join online expeditions.

Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 4:18 pm
by Tarl
I may be confused (high probability), but I thought for both EM and EL (which I'm currently attempting to learn) the game was located in the Milky Way galaxy? Because, I reasoned, there were discussions about ways one could get to Earth.

Does the game (particularly EL) contain more than one galaxy? Pretty sure Andromeda is different from the Milky Way.

It would be very interesting if there were multiple galaxies.


Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 6:08 pm
by Marvin
Like in the comic books and the current Star Trek movies, Legacy takes place in an alternate universe. :cool:

Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 8:05 pm
by Tarl
Hey, alternate universe is fine : )

Just trying to understand if this alternate universe (for EL) has more than one galaxy that can be explored in the game. That seems to be what is being stated at the beginning of this thread (with a screen print that looks incredible), but the OP is in EM. Just wondered if that is the case for EL also.

That said, it'll be a while before I run out of places to explore in the proximity of the beginning star system : )


Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:38 pm
by Marvin
Andromeda seems to have merged with the Evo-galaxy. In Legends, Andromeda existed in a misty purple part of space. Now it exhibits a more normal space-color.

Re: Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:37 pm
by YaroslavUSSR
It is a shame to admit but I have been searching for this crushed teleporter for a year and haven't found it yet. It is on the Andromeda cloaked planet, right? And it must be somewhere near the equator. PaulB said that it is visible from orbit. I can't tell how many times I orbited and observed the planet from space as well as from atmosphere, but still no luck. The planet has dense cloud coverage and ships in EM are not equipped with light filters. I had 2 expeditions in terrain walker around the planet but although it is the safest method to explore (strange, but sometimes my ship attracted Vonary sentinels but not TW) it is also the slowest. Could you give me a hint how to find this important landmark?

Re: Possible Spoilers for Evochron Mercenary

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:15 pm
by Marvin
If you're playing Mercenary, it should be easier to spot using a sensor station. It rotates with the planet and sometimes, during rotation, the object is buried. At other times, it will be outside the range of your sensor station. So, if it is either buried or beyond sensor range, you won't see it on radar or the map. But, when in range, it shows up as a purple dot on the map and, once you're within radar range, on radar. You'll need a deploy constructor to launch a sensor station.