Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Vice »

Version 1.0298 includes the following improvements:

- Terrain Walker values doubled.
- Option to customize region territory control value indicators on nav map added.
- Fleet ships are now much more likely to stay with player if/when they explore deep space.
- High energy nebula clouds can now cause the nav subsystem to sustain damage during close lightning strikes.
- AI combat systems updated to allow enemy ships to better avoid being baited into attacks from ships flying backwards.
- New long range radar equipment item added, supporting detection of generic ship signals out to 20K and 40K (see notes).
- Minimum econ/tech level for several advanced equipment items reduced to increase potential availability in Federation space.
- The game's device control configuration system is now additionally linked to string descriptions rather than just ID values.
- Short range sensor masking capabilities for certain objects now properly active to provide correct benefits of crew and equipment.
- 'Technology' nav console button and related text lines renamed to 'Econ/Tech' to match news category title and simulation setting option.
- Added ability to right click on any nav map long range sensor blip to set the nav point in the area of a detected signal.
- Joystick/gamepad axis controls can now be enabled simultaneously with mouse flight control modes.
- Compass displays (both tape and digital) now correctly respond to nav subsystem damage state.
- Animal life indicator added to planet details section of system information screen.
- Hostile drones reduced to three in last combat training sequence.


The game's control input systems are now additionally linked to each device's string description as displayed in Windows, rather than being bound to only a static device ID value. This should allow the game to adapt to changing controller list conditions if the player plugs in new devices and/or unplugs old ones. Any device USB port changes need to be made before the game is launched (always be sure to keep the devices you have mapped controls to plugged in before launching the game). Once the game is launched, it will compare the current device list (as managed by Windows) with the list when the game was last launched. If it detects differences in the total device count or order of the device string names, it will then analyze the current control bindings for any links between the original device name(s) they were assigned to and any new device names/order. If the game finds that the device name is in a different list position than it was last time the game was played, the game will automatically apply control map changes so that the original device(s) can continue to be used when it is assigned a different ID value/rank position in the device list. The game will back up current key/button and axis control bindings before making any changes and will place the keymap8.sw and stickt.sw files in a folder named \\ControlSettingsBackup within the save data folder (default is c:\\sw3dg\\EvochronLegacy). If you would like to bypass this system and retain locked ID values, simply create a text file in the game's save data folder (default is c:\\sw3dg\\EvochronLegacy) named stickidmode.txt and in the first line include the word 'enable'.

The new long range radar equipment item adds two new range modes to the 3D and 2D radar system. The LR Radar system supports detecting ship signals out to 20K and 40K. Details on a ship signal are limited to direction/distance only on the radar and will not provide full telemetry, status, or threat level information. Ships at long range (beyond full sensor/scanning detail 10K distance) will be displayed as yellow dots on the radar and no target detail information will be available for them. Ships will still be required to be within 10K range in open space for short range sensors/scanners to retrieve threat, ID, frame class, shield status, hull status, subsystem status, orientation, and velocity information. When the equipment item is installed, two new 'LR2' (20K) and 'LR4' (40K) modes will be available on the radar, indicating when one of the long range radar modes is active. The long range radar/sensor system also passively extends the detection range of lost items (which do not broadcast signal data and are well masked from short range sensors) and escape pods by about 50%. Detection range of hidden/masked cargo containers is also doubled.

The new right click option for long range sensors on the nav map will now let you place the nav/jump point marker in the area of a detected signal when using either a deployed sensor station or a sensor probe. For objects that transmit telemetry data, such as ships and deployed structures, the marker will be placed very close to the object's location. For objects that do not transmit telemetry data, such as cargo containers and shipwrecks, the marker will be placed in the area of the signal, but not precisely to it. You'll generally arrive within short range sensor detection of the object, but close range scanning and visual detection will still be useful. This way, you'll no longer have to try and guess pixel-by-pixel where to plot the nav point to a detected object, the game will now help you plot a nav point close by when using this new right click option.

Region territory control indicators on the nav map can now be customized. Images for green, yellow, red, and purple indicators can be specified for both normal map size and the zoomed map size. Image sizes are 24X32 for normal and 48X64 for zoomed. See the customizing kit for more information.

To accommodate requests for an increase in challenge from hostile AI ships when the player flies backwards, enemy ships are now allowed to break off an attack and engage other ships when in such situations under certain conditions. They are also now allowed to engage in at closer range when attacking a player flying backwards to counter attack.

Work has begun on transitioning the experimental VR system over to OpenVR/SteamVR in an effort to support a wider array of devices. I'm not sure when/if this system will become available, but we're in the early stages of the development process and converting things over.

The included instructions have also been updated for new options and recent improvements.

Version 1.0288 includes the following improvements:

- Double button input support added to pre-defined control profile script system.
- XBox 360 Gamepad profile added to list of available pre-defined control profiles.
- Display system for the hudtext.dat modification option and savedata export option updated to display correct in-sector location.
- Horizon surface added to 3D radar sphere and target detail orientation indicator.
- Autopilot updated for improved rotational search pattern for navigation marker.
- Signal indicators/blips on radar in 2D mode increased in size for legibility.
- Game controller support for menu and console selection added (see notes).
- Invalid limb error occurring when linking gun turret fixed.
- Hangar transaction fees now apply as indicated.


Game controllers can now be used to select options in the game's menus as well as the navigation, build, inventory, and trade consoles. The default game control device will be used by default (optionally changeable, see below). For joysticks, axis 1 will be assigned to vertical mouse pointer movement and axis 2 will be assigned to horizontal mouse pointer movement. For XBox controllers, axis 1 will be assigned to horizontal mouse pointer movement and axis 2 will be assigned to vertical mouse pointer movement and inversed. For both device types, button 1 will be assigned to left mouse button control and button 2 will be assigned to right mouse button control. This should support most joystick and gamepad devices. However, the system can also be customized or disabled entirely if you'd prefer to return to the original mouse only menu selection system. A new 'Menu/Console Control' option has been added to the main Options menu to enable this system with default settings. Settings for the system are stored in a file named menucontrols.txt in the save data folder (default c:\\sw3dg\\EvochronLegacy). The following values can be modified in that file for custom options (default joystick values are displayed below):

2 ` control mode, = 0 off, 1 = menus only, 2 = menus and consoles
1 ` pointer movement mode, 1 = pan, 2 = from center
0 ` device ID for first device (change for different device ID as listed in Windows)
1 ` horizontal axis
0 ` vertical axis
0 ` left click button
1 ` right click button
100 ` horizontal deadzone offset (out of an input range of 1000)
100 ` vertical deadzone offset (out of an input range of 1000)
0 ` invert horizontal axis (1 for enable)
0 ` invert vertical axis (1 for enable)
0.01 ` rate (the speed the mouse pointer will respond)

If the game detects a joystick, the horizontal axis will be set to 1 and vertical axis set to 0. If it detects an XBox controller, those will be reversed and the invert vertical axis value will be set to 1.

Version 1.0278 includes the following improvements:

- Overall loading time from main menu to startup sequence reduced slightly.
- Option to limit yaw and pitch rotation added for mouselook, key, and axis view controls.
- Market value of terrain walkers increased significantly for new market availability option.
- Consolidating commodities in hangar now automatically removes any 0 quantity material listing.
- Sensor station and probe nav map indicators updated to reduce clutter and include square shape.
- Sensor stations and probes now render signals within a 50K cube shaped section of space rather than circular.
- There is now a rare chance of terrain walkers being available for sale in high technology class inventories.
- Equipment list in inventory console now adjusts with capacity limit rather than installed items (matching cargo list behavior).
- Nav map indicators for cities, ping location, and contract waypoints rendered with higher performance and can now be customized.
- Region territory link to war zones removed, all human ships are now linked as 'Navy' while in war zones.
- Weapon turrets will not attack 'Navy' faction human/AI piloted ships in war zones unless attacked first.
- Quests 2 and 3 updated to indicate decameters/in-sector coordinates for certain module placements.
- Proximity check that would sometimes incorrectly allow plants to disappear when approached fixed.
- Added option to import separate dedicated texture images for each individual custom ship design.
- The last module in a sector would often return on respawn/reload after being destroyed, fixed.
- Cargo list in build console more clearly defined to match frame design in inventory console.
- Rare chance of a training vocal stage playing when entering a station or city fixed.
- Global custom cockpit option enabled (ccpit.x and ccpitshader.txt file options).
- Ability to set a custom size of nav map signal blips added (dotsize.txt).
- Race course and cargo delivery HUD indicator texture detail improved.
- Cave entrance auto-guidance system updated for smoother adjustment.
- Pitch level (integer) added to savedata text file export options.
- Pitch level readout option added to hudtext.dat file options.
- Message log controls disabled when mouselook is active.
- Ship nav lights given a slight lens flare effect.
- Ability to import a custom jump gate mesh added.


For the option to increase the size of the dots rendered on the nav map when a sensor station or probe is deployed, use a file named dotsize.txt inside the \\hud folder and include the size you want for the blips in the first line. The default size is 4. It is generally not recommended to increase the size too much as the dots will eventually overlap each other if they are close together and are too big. So it's only recommended if you are using a low resolution display (below 1920X1080) and/or prefer the oversized blips on the nav map.

For the custom jump gate mesh option, use the \\environment folder and filename gate.x for the custom mesh you want to use. To keep game rules consistent in multiplayer, the collision setup will remain the same, so you'll want to use a design that is pretty close to the same shape and size of the default mesh if you want the collision to match the appearance of the custom gate mesh you use.

By request, the new sensor station and probe systems now scan a square shaped section of space to cover the full 50K section of a sector out to its edge. The sensor signal strength is increased out to the corners to provide a more complete field of coverage across a square section of space to better match the square shape of sectors.

For the option to limit yaw and pitch rotation for mouselook, key, and axis view control, create a file in the game's install folder named 'panlimits.txt' and include the angle limit for yaw in the first line along with the angle limit for pitch in the second line. Default values are 178 and 88 respectively.

To address player requests/reports of different factions being present in war zones causing increased difficulty for escort objectives and mixed faction fighting, the regional territory link has been removed from war zones to lock all human ships in under one 'NAVY' faction. This way, any ALC or FDN ships in the region will behave as allied with any other ALC or FDN ship in a war zone with a common interest in fighting the Vonari. This change won't impact certain station conditions, so ships from opposing factions still won't be able to dock and the station modules themselves can be destroyed/built to still retain that level of control/behavior for a faction. But ships will no longer attack opposing faction ships in war zones, regardless of the regional territory control level.

Version 1.0248 includes the following improvements:

- Shield array deployables now require minimum distance (3000) from station modules.
- Radar total hostile counter now only counts enemy capital ships when they are in radar range.
- In some barren uncharted systems, respawning could result in mismatched faction ID affiliations for AI ships, fixed.
- Certain building operations in the engineering lab could result in 0 quantity items remaining in cargo or hangar bays, fixed.
- New 'Scuttle Module' option added during build process to allow player to destroy a module being constructed before it is finished.
- Regional news reporting system updated to properly align for increases/decreases in FDN controlled territory.
- Navigation lights added to ships, red for left, green for right, visible when viewed from front of ships.
- Evasion of carriers by AI ships updated for smoother behavior and improved movement.
- Animals would generally not animate when shadows were turned off, fixed.


The new nav light system renders two forward facing light effects color coded to a ship's orientation using the standard format of red for the left and green for the right. The lights are fairly soft and dim, so not overly bright, just bright enough to visually discern a ship's orientation at a distance. The new light effects are also customizable using the \\ships folder and the filenames navgreen.png and navred.png. The flash pattern can also be customized by creating a text file in the game's install folder named 'navlight.txt' and entering a value in the first line from 0 to 4. 0 will render the nav lights with a double pulse flashing effect. 1 will render the nav lights with a single pulse flashing effect. 2 is the default mode and will render the nav lights with a slow fade flashing effect. 3 will render the nav lights always on at full strength. 4 will hide the nav lights.

For the new scuttle module option, simply close the build console after starting the build process. The scuttle module button will appear in the middle right of the screen and includes a timer to indicate how much time is left before the build process is finished beyond a point where the module can be scuttled. The scuttle option will be linked to the first module you start building (only one scuttle link can be active at a time), so if you want to have the scuttle option for a module you build, make sure to build one at a time unless you are certain you want to keep multiple modules in selected locations that you build simultaneously. If you scuttle a module, you won't get the metal ore back as the module will be destroyed, but it will allow you cancel the module entirely in case it is worth it to you to remove it and/or rebuild it in a different location.

Version 1.0228 includes the following improvements:

- S281 system name restored to accommodate beacon clue description.
- Server programs updated to enable additional minimum client version enforcement for online public servers.
- Disruptor sequence updated to show a more electric style pulse explosion and sound effect.
- Trade links could be denied between human players when asteroids were nearby, fixed.
- Displayed fuel costs that could vary depending on rounding differences fixed.
- Refuel menu centered in lower left frame of inventory console.
- Several minor UI improvements.


Public multiplayer server listings will require the new server builds next time a list attempt is made. As with any server update, always be sure to back up your text8.dat, factionmap.txt, and universemulti.txt files if you want to keep custom settings and gamestate conditions since the installer will restore the default files.

Now that it seems most technical and functional issues have been sorted and feedback has been transitioning more toward larger scale elements, I'll plan to begin the process of evaluating and prototyping more significant changes and additions that will likely require more development time and testing. This will probably result in a slower update schedule with more gameplay related improvements, with the rate and scope being based on feedback/requests.

I'd also like to work toward making the Oculus Rift mode the best it can be with the goal to transition it to an official mode rather than something more experimental. If you have been using the OR mode and can provide feedback on settings you've been using in conjunction with the specifications of your system to get good performance (at 75 FPS most of the time to avoid judder), that will help me formulate possible changes for improved potential default support in the future.

Version 1.0218 includes the following improvements:

- Mining probe could be deployed with a build constructor, fixed.
- Axis configuration menu saving system updated to avoid defaulting to earlier configurations under certain conditions.
- Fuel tanks could be mismatched for military frames in shipyard, limiting fuel capacity to 1000 when 1500 should be available, fixed.
- Option to use the default documents folder in the user folder tree for the savedir.txt option added (using the %docfolder% tag).
- Creating a new profile after playing a previous profile could result in carrying over a faction affiliation, fixed.
- In zoomed mode, the nav map could appear larger than it should when rendering zoom animation, fixed.
- Update notification and download menu updated to align better with menu frame and shadow enlarged.
- Auto-leveling and stabilizing while in 3rd person chase view improved.


The game now supports a dynamic %docfolder% tag in the savedir.txt file for anyone interested in using a mod that needs to specify the Users\\UserName\\My Documents folder in a global way that is independent of a specific user name that may be on the system. This also allows players to direct the game to keep save data in the documents folder using one standard (global) line rather than requiring specific folder names. So for example, if you want to have the game keep save data in the 'My Games' folder that is generally located in the documents folder tree, you can specify this line in the savedir.txt file:

%docfolder%\\My Games

The game will then poll Windows for the current system drive, user folder, user name folder, and documents folder and apply them all automatically in the target save data folder. It will then take the characters after the %docfolder% tag and include them in the target save data folder string along with the \\sw3dg\\EvochronLegacy text, so the end result will be something like this to the game:

c:\\Users\\[UserName]\\My Documents\\My Games\\sw3dg\\EvochronLegacy

And the save data files will then be saved and loaded to/from that folder location. If you want to apply this change to the game, make sure to copy all of the original save data files from the default location of c:\\sw3dg\\EvochronLegacy to the new folder location you specify before launching the game the next time.

Version 1.208 includes the following improvements:

- Planet G452 placed in original location for improved quest 3 and 4 support.
- Black hole objects increased in size for improved visibility and relative scaling.
- Double click verification check implemented for exit option in pause/exit menu and respawn menu.
- Transaction fee displayed in hangar menu now reflects half price reduction when station license applies.
- AI ship engagements with capital ships reduced to extend life of capital ships during combat and escort objectives.
- AI ships allowed to go much farther inside gas giants and properly arrive for contracts with waypoints inside gas giants.
- Fixed issue with certain contracts that could be incorrectly completed when a friendly capital ship is destroyed before a required hostile capital ship is destroyed.
- Joining/respawn messages changed to show player name and version number so sector locations are displayed exclusively in player list, nav map (allied), and message log (when enabled server-side).
- When sector masking is set to mode 2 on a server, completed contract details will not be displayed in the message log.
- Dual button input system updated to bypass a single button input when the first of a two button combination is pressed.
- POV/HAT input is now displayed in the configure key/button menu along with regular button inputs.
- Ability to map button + POV/HAT input for individual control functions added.
- X52 Control Profile updated for new control system.
- Minor visual UI changes/fixes.


To accommodate requests for separating single button input control functions from double button input control functions, the all-response system is bypassed when a button is mapped to two functions with one of them also mapped to a second button. All-response is still available if you reverse the mapping order. So for example, if you map button 1 with control function 10 and also buttons 2+1 with control function 11, function 10 will be ignored when you press buttons 2+1. This allows for a full bypass and alternate function for a double button input. If you want to activate both function 10 and function 11 when 2+1 is pressed, simply reverse the mapping order to 1+2 in the configuration menu. This way, the original all-response system is still available for those who want to activate multiple control functions simultaneously and a bypass option is available for those who want two different functions for one button with an alternate second button input option. In short, any primary button will activate a control option (1 and 1+2) and a primary button will submit to a secondary button before activation when the primary is also used in the second slot of a double button combination (1 and 2+1).

The ability to map a button plus a POV/HAT input has also been added. This way, you can use a button as a kind of Alt key for a POV/HAT inputs the same way double button mapping works. You can also reverse the input and use a POV/HAT input as the alternate control function for buttons.

[Edited on 5-28-2016 by Vice]
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Radikal »

Thank you much for the Dropbox link. :)
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Vice »

Welcome :) I plan on it being a permanent part of the download options from now on.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by matchbox2022 »

The control problem seems to be gone.

And disruptors look....very EMP like. And EPIC :P
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Misunderstood Wookie »

Cheers vice nice update. Guess I'll be updating the overhaul project with preset pulse settings and navigation lights.

Scuttle mode was needed.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by GWhipple »

Thanks for the update!, looks like a lot of nice improvements!
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by XenonSurf »

I'd like to ask:
I've bought the game on your site, not on Steam. How do I get the latest updates? My current version (from the Legacy download section) is v. xx18, not the latest.


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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Vice »

Just follow the download link in the registration e-mail you received. It may take a short while before all mirrors are updated, but that route will provide the latest. The game will also provide the correct download link for you when the update check occurs.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by XenonSurf »

Thank you Vice, and congrats for your super Legacy..:cool:

[Edited on 4-5-2016 by XenonSurf]
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Rubber Chicken »

Thank you for the update. :)

I followed the instructions on creating a dotsize.txt file and placing it in the /Hud folder. First I used 6 as the number, then 8. Both times with no discernible change. My resolution is 1080x1920 on a 40" screen. I am wondering if dotsize.txt should be .dat like the hudtext and chattext files I'm using in my /Hud folder.

Also, are containers reported by the Science Officer as "on the planet" not visible via the Sensor Station? I've come across a few planets that are like this. Is that on purpose to encourage more surface exploration?
And, do containers within the planet's ring count as "on the planet"?
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Marvin »

My resolution is 1920x1080 (on a much smaller screen) and I'm using the size 6 blips. For me, it's a big difference when compared to the default pin prick. The file is called dotsize.txt, placed in the hud folder ... with just the number 6 written to the file.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by pilotnewbextraordinaire »

Thank you for the very awesome updates Vice.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by GWhipple »

I'm also using dotsize 6 in 1920x1080, my monitor is around 28" so 6 instead of 4 is helpful.

Also, I think the Navy turned out great in WZ. I really like it.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by mmRunner »

Nice update, but ...

... after installing 1.0278 there are no new read outs in my savedata.txt file. The savedatasettings.txt is the same as before, but EL seems to ignore it.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Vice »

No new readouts as is the new pitch line isn't showing up, or no readouts at all? The savedata system itself hasn't been changed otherwise in this build. So if the latter, check to make sure the text file is still in place where it needs to be.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by mmRunner »

The text files are still in place (in the installation directory)

When I'm at home this afternoon I'll remove the game and do a new install from scratch. May be it'll help.

btw: Is there a reason that in EL no longer are read outs for the in-sector coordinates (they're always 0 in the savedata.txt file)?
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by mmRunner »

Also after new installation with a freshly downloaded game no more savedata.txt :(
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Vice »

In the savedatasettings.txt file, did you specify a particular folder in the second line? If not, the output file will be in the save data file, not the install folder (if different). If those are the same (if you are using the direct download version with default installation options), then the savedata.txt file will be in the same install folder.
btw: Is there a reason that in EL no longer are read outs for the in-sector coordinates (they're always 0 in the savedata.txt file)?
This issue has been corrected for the next update.

[Edited on 4-7-2016 by Vice]
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by mmRunner »

My savedatasettings.txt is:


So the savedata.txt should be put into the game folder. But nothing ...

Deleting the second line doesn't show any effect. Neither in the game folder nor in my savedir folder the savedata.txt appears.

Regarding the in-sector values in the savedata.txt: I'm talking about lines 14 to 16. In the EL readouts they are always set to 0.
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Vice »

The in-sector coordinate issue has been fixed for the next update.

How are you able to distinguish the in-sector coordinates as being 0 if nothing is getting written to the savedata.txt file? Is the file not present at all? Or are values not being written to it? I'm still not entirely certain what the issue is you are describing. Where is the savedatasettings.txt file in relation to the game's exe?
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by mmRunner »

Before installing v1.0278 I got a correct readout and savedata.txt
The savedata.txt isn't written since the installation of 1.0278.

Don't have an earlier version on my disk any more for testing :(
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by Vice »

I haven't had any other reports of problems with that system in the new build and have verified it is still working with others. So I can't really come up with a possible cause, especially since it hasn't changed aside from the addition of one new line.

Do you run security software? Is the game allowed to still write to the save data folder?
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by mmRunner »

No it's becoming strange:

I've found an old version (1.0248) of EL. I installed it - no change: no savedata.txt. Then I installed the actual version again (1.0278) an everything is ok again. I get my savedata.txt as usually.

Don't ask me what happened. I definitely didn't fiddle around with any access rights the last weeks. Well, I'm working since many, many years in the IT and so I believe in self-healing software. ;)

:cool: Anyway, I'm definitely happy again! :P
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by XenonSurf »

The 2D radar is perfect now, the contact dots are much more visible, also without 3D cockpit option :cool:

Thanks very much,
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Evochron Legacy 1.208-1.0298 Updates...

Post by matchbox2022 »

All I can say is ... thanks this update seems awesomeunicornsauce!
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